Monday, May 16, 2011

10 Reasons I Get Up In the Morning

10. Breakfast - The most important meal of the day they say. I love waking up to a nice bowl of Captain Crunch. Occasionally I'll go out or make some homemade waffles.

9. Xbox - One of the few ways that I actually socialize outside of school. Gamertag is Sheriff Woody if you want to play some time.

8. YouTube - It’s free of charge and as viscous as milk. YouTube changes so often, if you see the same video twice in your lifetime, well sir, that’s amazing.

7. Court Date - Sucks. Don’t even get me started on the parole hearings…who the hell is up before 10 in the A.M? Lawyers, that’s what.

6. Vacation - It’s worth getting out of bed in tropical paradise when the hotel room is hotter than a jungle and it’s as humid as the ocean.

5. Appointment - Get up? I never went to bed. If I have an appointment to go to in the morning I am always early. Nothing can keep me from sticking to a prior engagement.

4. Halloween - It’s like a modern-day Christmas.

3. Christmas - Maybe this is just the inner child talking, but I love coming downstairs to find all of those sweet presents just waiting for me. My parents always have to make coffee before we can open our presents and they take FOREVER.

2. Poptarts - They are pretty tasty.

1. School - I have to get up for school. but it is the only reason I get up early.


  1. haha i love Christmas part, waiting for your parents to make coffee. So familiar.

  2. All of these are good. I especially know about court dates.

  3. YYEES!

    Breakfast.. That's what I was missing, my god how life is so much better now!

  4. Like this post,keep up the good work!

  5. chicas, cigarettes, beer, cinnamon toast crunch

  6. I like 2, 9, 3 and 4 in that order. haha

  7. my #1 would be because i cant sleep anymore!

  8. I'd rather be lazy and stay in bed lol

  9. Don't chu know "taht" pRon is bad fer you!

  10. I feel you on allot of that probation sucks ass bro. Good luck bro.

  11. Coffee and breakfast is the most important start for the day

  12. Breakfast is all I need! hahaha

  13. TEA AND A BACCON ROLL BOY, nice blog :L

  14. How often do you cross the border? Doing it really often must be annoying.

  15. Not nearly as often as i would like to.

  16. I keep missing breakfast.

  17. u forgot wake n bake ;) and thats love my man goin to canada and back all the time??

  18. I don't smoke, man. Nothing against it, just not interested.

  19. Who wouldn't want to wake up for Halloween!

  20. Sounds that you have an awesome life man! Keep it up!

  21. what about the end of the world in a couple days?!

  22. I like your outlook on life. reflecting a little bit on the little things is important to living fully. keep it up

  23. your number 9 is my number 1!

  24. @ #2 Are you a canucks fan..... and is she a Sharks fan?

  25. Christmas is my favorite holiday
